#good condition

Collection of good condition news, found 331 news.

COVID-19 immunization must start with top leaders: MP

An Indonesian legislator has proposed that the government's COVID-19 vaccination program start with President Joko ...

Medical workers to get COVID-19 vaccine first: expert

The 1.2 million vaccines recently procured by the government will be prioritized for groups that are most at risk of ...

Government procures only safe, WHO-recommended vaccines: Minister

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto laid emphasis on the fact that the government will only procure COVID-19 vaccines ...

Maintain health protocols despite vaccines availability: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) sought consistent public discipline in applying the 3M health protocols of wearing face ...

After receiving Sinovac, Indonesia eyes COVAX's vaccines in 2021

Indonesia is currently eyeing the WHO-initiated global facility of COVAX for procuring the COVID-19 vaccine through the ...

BPOM evaluation is prerequisite for conducting COVID-19 vaccination

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto elaborated that COVID-19 vaccination will only be ...

COVID-19 vaccine defect-free and in good condition: Health Minister

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto made assurance of the COVID-19 vaccine having arrived in Indonesia being sans ...

Indonesia records 8.4% weekly increase in COVID-19 cases

Indonesia has recorded a weekly increase of 8.4 percent in the rate of coronavirus infections, with 26,365 fresh cases ...

COVID-19 test comes positive for Minister Fachrul Razi

Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi received a positive test result for the coronavirus disease ...

Domestic banking industry remains robust: Perbanas

The domestic banking industry has fared relatively well and has remained strong in the midst of the pandemic, as ...

Bengkulu conservation office releases slow loris, eagle into wild

The Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) released a male Sunda slow loris and a male black eagle into ...

Air Force repairs residential house damaged by Hawk jet crash

The Indonesian Air Force conducted repairs on a resident's house that incurred minor damage after a Hawk 209 TT ...

Hawk aircraft crashed post training exercise: TNI AU commander

A Hawk aircraft of the Indonesian Air Force that crashed into a residential area in Riau Province on Monday had ...

WTR forecasts significant drop in traffic volume before Idul Fitri

Indonesia's toll road operator PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) has projected a major decline in toll road traffic volume ...

Singapore-flagged vessel grounded in Belitung due to human error

Port authorities suspect human error led to the grounding of a Singapore-flagged cargo ship, MV Asia Pearl IV, in the ...