
Collection of graduates news, found 679 news.

MDIS Opens Brand New 15 Storey Hostel Within Its S$120 Million Integrated Campus

-- Hostel, catering to foreign students, is one of Singapore's largest by a private educational institution - MDIS will ...

Grand Mosque of Sana`a: historical landmark and centre for moderation

The Grand Mosque in Sana'a is one of the oldest mosques in the Muslim world. It was the first mosque built in Yemen ...

Indonesia, Thailand cooperate in higher learning in hotels

SEAMOLEC (SE Asia Remote Open Education Center), along with STP Sahid Jakarta and the Bali State Politechnique had ...

Local to replace foreign pilots in Garuda

Twenty-three graduates of the Bali International Flight Academy (BIFA) are ready to replace Garuda`s foreign pilots ...

Economic growth needs to be increased

Indonesia`s economic growth still needs to be further increased to enable it to face the regional and global economic ...

TNI gets extra budget allocation of Rp2.4 trillion

The National Defense Forces (TNI) will get an additional budget allocation of Rp2.4 trillion under the revised 2011 ...

Overseas Union Enterprise Donates S$2 Million Grant to Singapore Institute of Technology

-         Overseas Union Enterprise Limited (OUE) announced a landmark partnership ...

RI still short of medical doctors

Indonesia is still suffering from a shortage of medical doctors, according to a legislator. "Right now there ...

Papua`s University striving to produce renewable-energy-conscious graduates B

Cendrawasih University (locally known as Uncen) , particularly the Faculty of Engineering, has been intensifying a ...

Education system yet to meet work requirements

Unemployment problem in the country is not always caused by shortage of work fields but also by lack of human ...

Budget allocations must focus on agriculture, industry

The government should give priority to the agricultural and industrial sectors in its state budget allocations, ...

RI and Russian sudents held Islamic an cultural dialog

Indonesian Muslim students held an Indonesian-Russian Student Friendship and Dialogue on Islam and Culture at the ...

University rectors invited to formulate fisheries curriculum

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammand will invite the rectors of a number of higher learning ...

Indian IT businessmen wish to invest in Surabaya

An Indian information technology business company is interested in making an investment in Surabaya known to have a ...

Govt to lower unemployment rate to five percent by 2014

The government has set itself the target of reducing the unemployment rate to five percent by 2014, Manpower and ...