
Collection of greenpeace news, found 153 news.

Police investigate alleged embezzlement of Greenpeace donors` funds

Indonesian Police Criminal Investigators are investigating the alleged embezzlement of funds from Greenpeace`s 30,000 ...

Forestry ministry denies app cuts ramin trees

The director general of forest and nature conservation, Darori, denied there had been ramin tree felling by Asia Pulp ...

Forestry ministry rejects claims of APP logging ramin woods

Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation of the Forestry Ministry Darori said there were no ...

Indonesia govt denies report on increased deforestation rate

The government has declared that a report regarding the country`s loss of almost 5 million hectares of forest and ...

RI loses 4.9 mln ha despite forest moratorium

Indonesia has lost some 4.9 million hectares of its forests and peatlands, it was found during a revision of the ...

RI forestry minister to summons Greenpeace and app over ramin accusation

The forestry minister will ask for clarification of Greenpeace`s allegation that Asian Pulp and Paper (APP) has used ...

Indonesia must imitate Australia over Greenpeace

It is time now for Indonesia to follow Australia in dealing with negative campaign by Greenpeace, a National Mandate ...

Foreign NG0s to be banned from soliciting domestic donations

Under a bill on societal organizations currently being deliberated in parliament, foreign non-governmental ...

NGOs present forest destruction evidence to govt

Environmental NGOs consisting of Greenpeace, Walhi, KKI Warsi and WBH here Wednesday (Nov. 23) presented evidence of ...

Jakarta city authorities to seal Greenpeace office

The Jakarta City government is to seal the office of Greenpeace on Jalan Kemang Utara, South Jakarta, on Monday on ...

news focus: Sumatran tigers need to be protected

It`s tragic that amid a "Save Tigers` Home" tour in Sumatra by an NGO, a Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was ...

Sumatran tiger attacks Bengkulu villager

A Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) attacked and injured Iwal (40), a resident of Pino Baru, Cawang village, ...

Papua`s forests facing serious threat: Greenpeace

A Greenpeace campaigner for Papua, Ricarth Tawaru, said with forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan having almost ...

Greenpeace calls for protection of sumatran forest to save tigers

On the eighth day of the Greenpeace "Tiger Eyes" tour, five Greenpeace activists arrived in the area around the ...

Sumatran tiger population now only 400 : Greenpeace

The tiger population in the wild in Sumatra is believed to have dwindled to only 400 heads due to illegal logging in ...