
Collection of guidelines news, found 1.067 news.

Myanmar democratization, South China sea among RI`s interests in 2012

The democratization process in Myanmar and progress in discussions on the South China Sea Code of Conduct will be ...

President attends opening of PAN`s national conference

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono attended the opening of a national working meeting of the National Mandate Party ...

Indonesia successfully takes ASEAN to greater height

When Indonesia assumed the ASEAN chairmanship in January 2011, ASEAN Secretary General Dr Surin Pitsuwan expressed ...

PLN to cooperate with BPPT to develop renewable energy

State-owned electricity company PLN has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Agency for Assessment and ...

BPK elected INTOSAI WGEA chair

Indonesia`s State Audit Board (BPK) has been elected chief of the Working Group on Environmental Auditing at the ...

Japan supports US military base enforcement in Australia, official

Japan supports the United States in strengthening its naval base in Darwin, Australia by deploying 2,500 marines in ...

Leaders advised not become passive onlookers amid world devel

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on the leaders of ASEAN member countries not to be passive onlookers in the ...

On World COPD Day, Patients are Urged to Take Extra Care Ahead of This Winter

-                 - Updated international ...

ASEAN, China officials to discuss declaration on s China sea

Senior officials from ASEAN and China are expected to meet early next December 2011 to discuss the implementation of ...

Indonesia to ensure "Bogor goals" implementation

The government of Indonesia will ensure the progress of the implementation of the Bogor Goals at the Asia Pacific ...

Applications Accepted Now for "Featured Program" and "JIMOT CM COMPETITION"

-     The Okinawa International Movie Festival (OIMF) executive committee has started accepting ...

news focus: rainforest conservation, law enforcement crucial for orangutan`s survival

Indonesia is home to the world`s remaining population of critically endangered orangutans found on Sumatra and ...

President signs decree on gas emission reduction action plan

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has signed a decree formalizing an action plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions in ...

Eighty schools receive rehabilitation funds aid

Eighty schools in Manado, North Sulawesi, will receive funds for their physical rehabilitation from the Education ...

Independent Review Increases Nido's Prospective Resources Estimates

-     An independent report has increased Nido Petroleum Limited's ("Nido", ASX: NDO) prospective ...