
Collection of guidelines news, found 1.068 news.

ASEAN, China set to agree on DoC guidelines

ASEAN and China are expected to reach agreement on the guidelines for the the implementation of the Declaration on the ...

President asks ASEAN foreign ministers to hasten South China Sea talks

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as chairman of ASEAN has asked the regional association`s foreign ministers to ...

ASEAN ready to meet China on DoC guidelines

ASEAN is ready to meet with China to negotiate the guidelines of the Declaration of Conduct (DoC) for the South China ...

Si Vis Pacem Para Belum for RI`s defense scenario?

A military affairs analyst said , in the face of future challenges in the defense field, Indonesia should take heed of ...

SBY Expects to See Progress In Thailand-cambodia, Sc Sea`s Disputes

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expects to see progress in efforts to solve the conflict between Thailand and ...

RI`s tsunami early warning system not functioning effectively : Observer

The end-to-end tsunami early warning system in Indonesia has not been functioning effectively due to different ...

Fadel to Prohibit Pearl from China to Indonesia

Pearl is a specific non-consumption fisheries product which becomes Indonesian pride and identity, as well as economy ...

RI to have guidelines on tsunami information

Indonesia will soon have information on tsunami early warning guidelines to help the people develop awareness and ...

Phadia First Company to Receive FDA Clearance of Recombinant Allergen Component Tests

-510(K) Clearance Covers 13 Molecular Allergen Components     Newly-available tests provide deepest ...

Probosutedjo establishes Soeharto Center

Probosutedjo, the younger half-brother of former Indonesian president Soeharto, established Soeharto Study Center here ...

Prabowo, Jimly support Soeharto Center

Prabowo Subianto and Jimly Assidiq supported the establishment of Soeharto Center by Probosutedjo, the younger ...

Four Phase 3 Efficacy and Safety Studies of Ingenol Mebutate

-        - NOT INTENDED FOR US MEDIA    - Ingenol Mebutate is an ...

Tin Mining Activity Threatening Bangka Island`s Tourism

The landscapes in many parts of Bangka island can now be best described as barren wastelands due to unbridled tin ...

ImmunoCAP(R) Used in Largest Cross-sectional Allergy Study Ever

-        Phadia, the worldwide leader of in vitro allergy diagnostics, is pleased to ...

House agrees to deliberate draft 2012 state budget

The House of Representatives (DPR) at a plenary session on Wednesday agreed to discuss the draft 2012 State Budget ...