
Collection of hamas news, found 395 news.

Rocket fire rocks Israel-Hamas truce

Four rockets fired from Gaza slammed into south Israel late Monday, without causing casualties, police and the army ...

Seven rockets hit Israel after Gaza factions agree truce

Seven rockets from Gaza hit Israel on Monday just hours after militant factions agreed an informal truce after four ...

Gaza militant fire a dozen rockets at Israel

Palestinian militants fired at least 12 rockets into southern Israel on Sunday, drawing an Israeli threat to step up ...

Troops shoot dead 7 gunmen after 7 Israelis killed: sources

Israeli troops on Thursday shot dead seven gunmen behind the attacks in southern Israel, security sources said in a ...

Hamas, Fatah bid to seal reconciliation in Cairo

Rival Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas opened talks Sunday in Egypt aimed at implementing a reconciliation agreement ...

Hamas seizes suspected rocket firers: Gaza group

Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip on Saturday detained two members of an Islamist group suspected of firing ...

Israel raids Gaza, three hurt: Palestinians

Israel`s air force carried out three new raids on the Gaza Strip overnight, wounding three people, Palestinian ...

Israeli planes raid Gaza Strip

Israeli warplanes raided the Gaza Strip early Tuesday, witnesses and the Israeli military said. The air raid ...

Two rockets fired from Gaza hit Israel:aArmy

Two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel on Sunday, without causing any damage or injuries, the ...

Israeli warplanes attack Gaza: witnesses

Israeli airplanes carried out two air strikes in the Gaza Strip around midnight on Thursday, witnesses said. One ...

Israel hits Gaza targets: Palestinians

Israeli jets carried out two raids in Gaza overnight, Palestinian security officials said Thursday. A first raid ...

Israelis kill Hamas man in West Bank: Palestinians

Israeli soldiers killed a member of Hamas during a raid on a northern West Bank refugee camp on Wednesday, Palestinian ...

Israel must apologise to normalise ties - Turk pm

Turkey`s prime minister said on Friday it was "unthinkable" to normalise ties with Israel unless it apologised for a ...

Hamas calls on Greece to let Gaza flotilla sail

The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip on Sunday called on Greece to allow a flotilla of aid ships to set sail for the ...

Israel warns media covering Gaza flotilla

Israel on Sunday warned foreign journalists against sailing on a flotilla trying to reach the besieged Gaza Strip, ...