
Collection of haryono news, found 263 news.

Quarantine office, police seize fruits, potatoes imported from Malaysia

The Quarantine Office and Police here on Wednesday seized one thousand kilograms of fruits and 300 kilograms of ...

East Java earns Rp2.7 trillion from coffee exports

East Java earned US$200 million or around Rp2.7 trillion from coffee exports in 2016. "A positive record and ...

Indonesia, Singapore hold joint SAR exercise

Search and Rescue (SAR) offices of Pontianak and Singapore held a joint exercise during the 35th Indopura SAR Exercise ...

Black box of crashed helicopter retrieved

The black box of the Eurocopter AS365 N3 Dolphin helicopter belonged to National Search and Rescue Agency (Badan SAR ...

Badan SAR Nasional to investigate helicopter crash in temanggung

A team from the National Search and Rescue Agency (Badan SAR Nasional) will soon investigate the cause of the crash of ...

Operations Command II Chief leads evacuation of Hercules crash victims

The chief of the Air Forces Operations Command II, Air Vice Marshal Sugeng Umar Haryono, personally led the evacuation ...

Chinese company wants to develop high technology industrial estate

Chinese developer - China Fortune Land Development (CFLD.

12 arrested over rioting in Tanjungbalai

Police have arrested 12 suspects in connection with rioting in Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra, recently and questioned 39 ...

Indonesia still on lookout for 33 graft fugitives

The Indonesian government is still on the lookout for 33 fugitives involved in corruption cases, after successfully ...

Sleman ready to provide education to ex-Gafatar children

The government of Sleman regency, Yogyakarta, is ready to provide education to ex-Gafatar children who have been ...

Muslim figure appeals for screening of PKI film

Muslim figure K.H. Cholil Ridwan has put forth a request to screen a film depicting the failed coup attempt by the ...

President Jokowi leads Pancasila Sanctity Day commemoration

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) acted as the inspector general of a ceremony to commemorate the state ideology ...

Pancasila is final ideology of Indonesian state: Ministry

The Pancasila is the final ideology of the state of Indonesia and is non-negotiable, according to the Ministry of ...

Retirees support president`s decision to not tender apology to PKI

Retired army and police personnel support President Joko Widodos (Jokowis) decision to not offer an apology to former ...

President awards medals of honor to outstanding citizens

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has bestowed medals of honor on several citizens for their outstanding services to the ...