#haze disaster

Collection of haze disaster news, found 66 news.

Haze reduces visibility in Pekanbaru to 50 to 70 meters

Haze from forest and plantation fires reduced the visibility in Pekanbaru to around 50 and 70 meters on Sunday. ...

Racing against time to save Riau`s biosphere reserve from fires

Sumatras Riau Province is badly hit by forest and plantations fires, and the largest number of the hotspots detected ...

Dead victims due to haze to receive compensation

The Ministry of Social Affairs will provide compensation for a haze victim who died in Riau province, according to ...

Airways delay flights to Pekanbaru to minimize losses

The authorities at Syarif Kasim II International Airport, Pekanbaru, Riau Province, stated that several airways have ...

Haze raises respiratory disease sufferers by 20 pct

The Health Monitoring Office (KKP) of Pekanbaru`s Port recorded increase in respiratory disease by 20 percent as a ...

Thousands of soldiers deployed to fight fires

Thousands of soldiers have been sent to fight remaining forest and land fires in six locations in Riau province. ...