#health check up

Collection of health check up news, found 160 news.

Sorong: 60 army personnel get second COVID jab

At least 60 soldiers in Sorong city, West Papua received their second COVID-19 shot as part of efforts to prevent new ...

Ministry intensifies synergy to offer digital health services

The Communication and Informatics Ministry is unswervingly working toward boosting synergy with digital health services ...

Aceh BKSDA releases Sumatran tiger cub to Mt Leuser National Park

The Aceh Natural Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA) released a Sumatran tiger cub (Panthera tigris sumatrae) that has ...

Social Ministry ensures quick disaster responses

Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini has ensured quick responses in handling the impact of natural disasters that ...

West Java steps up COVID-19 efforts ahead of long weekend

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has appealed to city and district administrations across the province to intensify ...

36 Army officers contract COVID-19 in West Papua

As many as 36 members of the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) have contracted the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in West ...

Weekend Stories

Coronavirus taking a mental toll on medical workers

The United Nations (UN) has recently warned the coronavirus pandemic could cause a global mental health crisis. A ...

Ship quarantined at port as passengers, crew test positive for corona

A passenger ship, the KM Kelud, is to be held under quarantine upon its arrival in Belawan Port in Medan, North ...

Indonesia applies COVID-19 protocol in apprehending foreign poachers

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has applied a health protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the arrest ...

100 cruise crew members land in Bali

As many as 100 crew members of two cruise ships -- Adventure of the Sea and Harmony of the Sea -- landed at the I Gusti ...

Ministry ensures people about hygiene of public transportation

The Transportation Ministry has ensured the proper hygiene on public transportation by spraying disinfectant three ...

MV Colombus allowed to call at Semarang Port

A Bahama-flagged cruise liner MV Colombus, carrying onboard 1,044 tourists, called at the Tanjung Emas Port in the ...

Indonesian nationals evacuated from Wuhan to be quarantined in Natuna

Some 250 Indonesians to be evacuated from Wuhan, China, to Indonesia, Saturday, will undergo mandatory medical testing ...

Joint team channels assistance to South Halmahera's remote areas

The North Maluku Disaster Management Joint Team distributed logistical assistance to victims of the South Halmahera ...

Minister urges homebound travelers to assess, take stock of health

Health Minister Nila Moeloek has appealed to homebound travelers during the Eid Al-Fitr Islamic Holiday to get the ...