#health insurance

Collection of health insurance news, found 493 news.

Regent of Subang named a suspect in graft case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named regent of Subang Ojang Sohandi as a suspect in a graft case. ...

Govt to seek new loans to cover deficit

Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said here on Thursday that the government would seek new loans worth ...

Chubb appoints Marine Insurance leadership team for Asia Pacific

- Chubb announced today that it has appointed for the Asia Pacific region Christine Aldrich as its Marine Cargo ...

The Health Industry Summit stirs investor frenzy over China’s healthcare sector with double-digit growth

- In the summer of 2015, an event drew record-breaking single-day crowds of over 170,000 professionals to Shanghai ...

Chubb appoints country presidents for general insurance operations in Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea

- Chubb Group announced today the appointments of Country Presidents for the general insurance business in Hong ...

Milliman opens new office in Malaysia

- Milliman, Inc., a premier global consulting and actuarial firm, today announced that it will open an office ...

VP officially opens congress of Indonesian Medical Association

Vice President Jusuf M. Kalla officially inaugurated the 29th Congress of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) at ...

Call to Improve Quality of Death -- Critical for Governments to Make Palliative Care Part of Comprehensive Healthcare

- The Lien Foundation calls on governments and policy makers to hasten and improve their provision of palliative ...

Three ministers meets labor representatives

Three cabinet ministers received representatives of labor unions today, who had taken to the street to convey their ...

President Jokowi distributes "magic cards" in Klaten

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) handed out "magic cards" in Klaten district, Central Java, on Monday. The ...

President Jokowi distributes health cards to plantation workers

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) symbolically distributed health insurance cards called "Kartu Indonesia Sehat" (KIS) to ...

Health minister to suggest evaluation of BPJS health insurance

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek will put forth a suggestion to evaluate a health insurance program run by the Social ...

Convicts will get Indonesian health insurance from 2015: Social Minister

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa said convicts in Indonesia will get health insurance card Kartu ...

Workers threaten to go on nationwide strike

Indonesian workers have threatened to go on a nationwide strike if the government fails to meet their demands raised ...

Indonesian minister hands over 6,800 fisherman cards

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo handed over 6,800 fisherman cards to the representatives ...