A group of Indonesian students in the United Kingdom recently organized a workshop on tempe (fermented soybean cake) ...
The government of Indonesia needs to continuously promote diversification of food to reduce the public dependence on ...
The South Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, through the Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade ...
Indonesia is the biggest rice-consuming country in the world, and food diversification should be a national policy ...
Indonesia is now intensively promoting the development of halal tourism in an effort to attract tourists from Muslim ...
The Indonesia Ministry of Tourism will develop Halal tourism in West Sumatra, a province that has a potential for such ...
- Holista CollTech Limited ("Holista") and Nadja Foods LLC ("Nadja Foods") -- baked goods ...
- Indonesia, the world's fourth-most populous country, welcomes USANA Health Sciences (NYSE: USNA) — a ...
Companies Form Strategic Collaboration to Better Serve the Fast-Growing Chinese Market for FluoroelastomersWILMINGTON, ...
Indonesia, the worlds third largest seaweed supplier, is working out a roadmap for integrated development of ...
Long drought began to leave its mark with 1,800 people of the regency of Pekalongan, Central Java, hit by acute ...
The food laboratory of PT Saraswanti Indo Genetech (SIG) to test the analysis of genetically modified products, ...
Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan said white honey from Sumbawa island`s forests has become the icon of Indonesian ...
Food companies should revamp their marketing to children by advertising foods that are healthy, four U.S. agencies ...