#hiv aids

Collection of hiv aids news, found 225 news.

Papua's HIV/AIDS infected consumes ARV regularly

A total of 2,180 people infected with HIV / AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) in ...

HIV/AIDS feared to remain major threat in 2012

During the past several years since the first case of AIDS/HIV was reported in Indonesia in 1987, people have been ...

Winning bloggers awarded for helping raise HIV/AIDSs awareness

The 10 winners from the blogging competition organized by the Australian Government aid program (AusAID), National ...

The Freeport Case, government's lost conscience

The Political and security situation in Papua is still heating up, beginning with the repeated shootings spree at ...

RI, US building on success in fighting HIV/AIDS

The US Government is committed to working in partnership with the Indonesian government and local communities to ...

harder work needed to prevent AIDS : VP

Vice President Boediono said the nation needed to work harder to prevent the spread of AIDS to achieve the target of ...

VP observes world AIDS day 2011

Vice President Boediono on Sunday observed the World AIDS Day 2011 at the National Monument (Monas) square park here ...

ADB approves US$180 mln loan for RI road development

The ADB Board of Directors in Manila, Friday, approved a $180 million loan for the Regional Roads Development Project, ...

RI bloggers invited to help raise HIV/AIDS awareness

In the lead up to World AIDS Day on December 1, active bloggers in Indonesia are being invited to help raise ...

HIV/AIDS sufferers in Sukabumi reach 470

The number of people infected with HIV-AIDS in Sukabumi city, West Java province had increased significant and there ...

Govt to provide free ARV drugs for all HIV/AIDS patients in 2012

Health Minister Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih said the government will allocate funds to provide antiretrovital (ARV) ...

RI govt intensifying HIV/AIDS eradication efforts to achieve MDG target

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono said the government was intensifying its efforts to fight ...

Some 8,000 in SE Sulawesi at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS

Southeast Sulawesi has an estimated total of 8,000 people spread in 10 districts and two cities who are at risk of ...

RI to host Aspac reproductive, sexual health conference

Indonesia is expected to host the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights (6th ...

In Bali, HIV can infect 300 infants annually

The National Aids Commission (KPA) has predicted that about 300 infants can be infected with HIV each year in Bali if ...