#id food

Collection of id food news, found 103 news.

Bapanas targets securing three million tons of government rice stocks

National Food Agency (Bapanas) Head Arief Prasetyo Adi stated that the agency currently seeks to increase government ...

Government plans to build sugar industry zone in Papua: Minister

The government is planning to build a sugar industry zone of one to two million hectares in Papua region to boost the ...

NFA improving governance to expedite distribution of rice aid

Indonesia's National Food Agency (Bapanas/NFA) is striving to improve governance to expedite the distribution of ...

Indonesia takes steps to counter rice price rise: Bapanas

Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas), Arief Prasetyo Adi, stated on Monday that the government is implementing a ...

Bapanas urges quota-holding companies to accelerate sugar imports

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) has asked state-owned and private food companies that have been assigned sugar ...

Raising sugar price govt step to maintain ecosystem: Bapanas

The government is seeking to maintain the balance in the national sugar ecosystem by increasing the price of sugar ...

Bapanas ensures fulfillment of rice availability

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) constantly ensures that the availability of rice, a staple food designated as ...

Minister Thohir ensures SOEs optimizing food aid distribution

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir ensured that food state enterprises, such as state logistics firm ...

Academics' involvement crucial to develop superior sugarcane varieties

ID FOOD Director Frans Marganda Tambunan invited IPB University's students and academics to develop superior ...

Indonesian govt aims to achieve sugar self-sufficiency by 2028

Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has stated that the government is determined to accelerate efforts to ...

Bapanas strengthens sorghum development to maintain food stability

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) is strengthening synergies for the development of sorghum agribusinesses that are ...

Need to plant better sugarcane varieties to raise production: minister

There is a need for planting better sugarcane varieties in Indonesia to address the gap in domestic demand and ...

Government to provide low-interest financing to state food companies

The government has prepared low-interest financing of up to Rp3 trillion (approximately US$197.4 million) for state ...

NFA, BRIN agree to use AI for food data

The National Food Agency (NFA) and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) have signed a memorandum of ...

NFA guarantees food supply and prices ahead of Eid al-Adha

The Head of the National Food Agency (NFA), Arief Prasetyo Adi, has guaranteed the stability of food supply and prices ...