#illegal immigrants

Collection of illegal immigrants news, found 182 news.

Navy sends ship to evacuate stranded immigrants in Madura

The Indonesian Navy`s Eastern Fleet Command has sent a ship to evacuate the stranded illegal immigrants on Guagua ...

RI must take role to end violence towards Rohingya ethnic group

The Indonesian government must take an active role in resolving the conflict targeting the Rohingya ethnic group in ...

Myanmar urged to stop violence against rohingya muslims

The violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has drawn serious attention from many parties including ASEAN ...

Stop violence against Rohingya muslims in Myanmar: Muhammadiyah

The second-largest Muslim organization in Indonesia has called on Myanmar government to put an end to the violence ...

Indonesian ulemas condemn violence against Rohingya muslims

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has condemned the violence against Rohingya Muslims in Arakan (Rakhine), Myanmar. ...

ASEAN demands Myanmar`s explanation on Rohingnya conflict

ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan expects a detailed explanation by the Myanmar government on the bloody conflict ...

Ship carrying illegal immigrants capsized near Christmas islands

A ship carrying more than one hundred illegal immigrants has capsized in the waters between Indonesia and Australia`s ...

Nine illegal immigrants arrested in Lampung

South Lampung Police have arrested nine illegal immigrants from Afghanistan on Monday, according to local police ...

47 illegal immigrants plan to go to Australia

Ciemas Police Sector chief Adjunct Police Commissioner Sumaryoto said 47 illegal Afghan immigrants wanted to cross to ...

Police in West Nusa Tenggara arrest 50 Vietnamese immigrants

Police in West Nusa Tenggara have arrested 50 illegal immigrants from Vietnam as they sought to cross to Australia. ...

Myanmar immigrants reportedly escape from SE Sulawesi

Thirteen illegal immigrants from Myanmar, who were detained at a hotel for three weeks in the city of Kendari in South ...

Corby clemency is an oddity: Observer

The granting of a five-year clemency for an Australian drug convict Chapelle Leigh Corby is something of an oddity, ...

Detained immigrants still in Bandarlampung

Twenty-eight illegal immigrants from Pakistan and Myanmar, detained in Lampung Province since Saturday, are still ...

Two police officers questioned over immigrant-smuggling attempt

Two police officers from the East Lombok resort police command, West Nusa Tenggara, are being questioned over their ...

30 illegal immigrants sent to Tanjungpinang

Cilegon immigration authorities are moving 30 illegal immigrants to immigration detention centers on Tanjungpinang, ...