
Collection of illness news, found 396 news.

House Speaker asks govt to tighten ports of entry to prevent COVID-19

Deputy Indonesian House Speaker Aziz Syamsudin has urged the government to tighten ports of entry across the country as ...

East Jakarta hospital confirms recovery of three COVID-19 patients

Three patients, who had contracted the new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, received discharge from the hospital in ...

COVID-19 suspected patient dies in Jakarta hospital

A COVID-19 suspected female patient, aged 37, who was undergoing treatment in an isolation room at the Sulianti Saroso ...

Seven more Indonesians test positive for Covid-19

Seven more patients tested positive for coronavirus in Indonesia on Wednesday, with most of them having contracted the ...

DIP will start offering relief compensation to those who are employed in a part-time or contracted capacity via DIP’s services if they are unable to work due to a coronavirus related illness

- DIP Corporation (hereinafter “DIP”), Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Hideki Tomita, ...

Indonesia confirms 19 cases of COVID-19 infection

Indonesia has reported a spike in COVID-19 cases, with 19 patients confirmed as having contracted the virus, indicating ...

All parties in Riau demand halting recurrence of 2019 wildfires

A top military officer urged stakeholders involved in Riau’s wildfire mitigation efforts to seriously handle ...

Riau prepares for land and forest fires this year

Riau Governor Syamsuar issued a land and forest fire emergency preparedness status, effective Feb 11-Oct 31, 2020, as ...

Riau plans to issue wildfire emergency preparedness status

The Riau provincial administration unveiled its plan to issue a land and forest fire emergency preparedness status at a ...

Health minister dismisses Harvard's study on Coronavirus in Indonesia

Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto here, today, dismissed a study by five Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ...

BNN rejects idea to export cannabis

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has firmly rejected a suggestion raised by a lawmaker of the Prosperous ...

Weekend Stories

Cold, misty Year of the Metal Rat predicted

The curtains have risen for the rat to take over 2020 while being paired with the metal element, and as per the Chinese ...

Robust drum beats underscore villager's better life

-As Chinese New Year draws near, drum beats are sounding louder at a village in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous ...

Environmental impact assessment is critical: expert

Prof. Dr Eng. Suprihatin, an environmental expert at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), highlighted the ...

Ministry watchful for mysterious pneumonia infection in Indonesia

The government will conduct surveillance at hospitals across Indonesia as a precautionary measure against a mysterious ...