
Collection of inclusion news, found 1.332 news.

G20 Indonesia

Y20 Communiqu Document expected to be recommendation in G20

The Y20 Communiqué Document, which adopts the idea of all Y20 delegations, is expected to become a concrete ...

Construction tenders for IKN Nusantara to be signed in Aug: minister

The tender signing for infrastructure development projects for the new capital (IKN), Nusantara, in East Kalimantan ...

No urgency to assign active military officers to ministries: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) believes it is not urgent to assign active military or police officers to civilian ...

Pading Lake successful example of overcoming human damage: Minister

The Pading Lake tourism attraction in Central Bangka district, Bangka Belitung, is testament that damage caused by ...

Bangka Belitung focuses on accelerating digital inclusion

Bangka Belitung Islands' Communication and Informatics Office (Diskominfo) has set its sights on improving the ...

Indonesia raises social inclusion program at international congress

Indonesia discussed about the library program, with social inclusion as the basis, during the World Library and ...

News Focus

Realizing inclusive economy in new capital Nusantara

Since its inception, the development of the new Indonesian capital, Nusantara, in East Kalimantan has been aimed at ...

Feeling ’22: Mary Kay Inc. announces awards, milestones, and accomplishments from first half of the year

Mary Kay Inc. is feeling ’22. Throughout the first half of the year, the iconic global entrepreneurship company has ...

KPK outlines media's role in corruption prevention at APEC Forum

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) outlined media's role in the corruption prevention efforts during the ...

G20 Indonesia

TIIWG can help achieve sustainable industrialization: minister

The G20 Trade, Investment, and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) could help realize sustainable and inclusive ...

G20 Indonesia

Younger generation has potential to create inclusive jobs: Minister

The younger generation has high potential to create sustainable and inclusive jobs, the Coordinating Minister for ...

Pontianak holds Benua Melayu Laut arts, cultural festival

The Pontianak city government, West Kalimantan Province, has organized the Malay arts and cultural festival ...

G20 Indonesia

RI strives to bridge differences in G20 to address economic challenges

The third Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) meeting within the framework of Indonesia's G20 ...

G20 Indonesia

BI Governor urges G20 nations to support global economic recovery

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo has called upon all G20 members to commit to working together to support ...

Jalin, Bank Mandiri Taspen support national banking digitalization

State-Owned Enterprises PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara and PT Mandiri Taspen support digitalization of national banking ...