#income tax

Collection of income tax news, found 291 news.

Freeport pays Rp5.6 trillion in financial obligations to govt

PT Freeport Indonesia has paid Rp5.8 trillion in taxes and other financial obligations in the first quarter of 2011 ...

Govt sets tax receipt target for 2011 at rp708 tln

The Directorate General of Taxation has targeted tax receipts in 2011 to contribute Rp708 trillion to the state ...

Minister : no state company interested in buying Newmont shares

State Enterprises Minister Mustafa Abubakar said no state-owned company would become co-owner of PT Newmont through ...

News Focus : Hollywood zooming in on wrong issue over movie tax

Hollywood does not have to dispatch a muscular Arnold Schwarzenegger to wreak havoc with the Indonesian tax ...

Budget deficit reaches Rp6.3 trillion in January

The 2011 state Budget recorded a deficit of Rp6.3 trillion as per January 31 because of rising state expenditure, a ...

Govt still needs to increase tax ratio: observer

Although its fiscal revenue target for 2010 has been surpassed, the government still needs to increase the tax ratio ...