#income tax

Collection of income tax news, found 291 news.

Govt has collected Rp656.1 trillion in tax revenue: director general

The realization of tax revenue up to September 13, 2016 had reached Rp656.1 trillion, reflecting an increase of four ...

BI ptimistic about keeping inflation rate below 4%

Bank Indonesia (BI) is optimistic that it will be able to keep the inflation rate below 4 percent at the end of this ...

Budget deficit widens almost tripling but optimism high

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said budget deficit widened almost tripling year-on-year in the first half of ...

President Jokowi issues directives on land and building acquisition tax facility

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) issued directives on the Tax on the Acquisition of Land and Building (BPHTB) facility ...

Tax revenues decline in first six months of 2016

The government tax revenues in the first six months of the year totaled Rp518.4 trillion or lower than Rp536.1 ...

All tax payers warned to take opportunity of tax amnesty

Taxation Director General Ken Dwijugiasteadi called on all tax payers to be involved voluntarily in the tax amnesty ...

Legislators question effectiveness of tax amnesty law

A number of legislators have questioned the effectiveness of the Tax Amnesty Law in facilitating repatriation of ...

Govt expects Rp165 trillion from tax amnesty program

The House of Representatives (DPR) enacted into law on Tuesday the governments tax amnesty bill which will provide tax ...

Govt trying to maintain tax receipts from non-oil/non-gas sector

The government will make every effort to maintain tax receipts from the non-oil/non-gas sector in anticipation of the ...

Deficit at 2.5 percent of GDP in 2016: Minister

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the deficit in the draft revision of 2016 state budget is set at 2.5 ...

RI still has room to raise tax ratio: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that the country still has room to raise its tax ratio, which currently ...

Indonesian govt launches tenth economic policy package

The government has released the tenth economic policy package aimed at boosting investment and protecting small and ...

S Korea to be asked to invest in ship components: Minister

Minister of Industry Saleh Husin welcomed the willingness of South Korea to develop the shipyard industry in ...

Govt issues ninth economic policy package

Chief Economic Minister Darmin Nasution said the government has issued the ninth economic policy package which covers ...

Govt to focus on collecting taxes from individual taxpayers

The government will focus on collecting taxes from individual taxpayers this year as part of the efforts to meet the ...