#indonesia in 2045

Collection of indonesia in 2045 news, found 202 news.

Bulog, Unsoed ink agreement in education, research, social service

State-owned logistics firm Perum Bulog and Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) inked an agreement for cooperation in ...

Eight provinces experiencing population aging: BKKBN

Eight Indonesian provinces are currently experiencing population aging, with the number of elderly people registering a ...

Improve quality of drinking water, sanitation facilities: PPN Minister

National Development Planning (PPN) Minister Suharso Monoarfa encouraged stakeholders to improve the quality of ...

Realizing advanced Indonesia requires excellent human resources: BRIN

The vision of 'Advanced Indonesia in 2045' can be realized if supported by adequate and excellent human ...

Indonesia needs 3 mln jobs annually to prepare for demographic bonus

The government needs to create at least three million jobs per year to prepare for the demographic bonus, Coordinating ...

Fajrin Rasyid appointed to compile digital transformation roadmap

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir tasked Chairman of the Indonesian Digital Forum (Fordigi), Fajrin ...

IKN development must take local culture, economy into account: BRIN

The development of Indonesia’s new capital city (IKN) must take the local sociocultural and socioeconomic aspects ...

Digital economy key to make Indonesia major economy: Thohir

Digital economy development is vital for putting Indonesia on the list of ten major global economies by 2045, according ...

The 2022 state budget designed to support economic revival: Ministry

The Finance Ministry informed that the posture of the 2022 State Budget is designed to encourage the revival of the ...

Minister outlines vital SOE roles to achieve economic growth in 2045

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have an important role in laying the foundation for Indonesia's economic growth in ...

Bappenas regulates steps for post-COVID economic transformation

The Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas) is preparing post-COVID transformation measures for the ...

Indonesia needs above five-percent growth to become developed nation

Indonesia will need to clock an economic growth above the pre-pandemic level of five percent annually on average to ...

Jokowi estimates 15-20 years to complete new capital's construction

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) estimated that it would take approximately 15-20 years to complete the construction of ...

President plants 34 trees typical to all Indonesian provinces

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) along with 34 governors throughout Indonesia planted trees unique to their respective ...

New capital's development plan to continue beyond Jokowi's presidency

The new capital's development plan has been arranged to ensure that it will continue beyond Joko Widodo's  ...