#indonesia timor leste

Collection of indonesia timor leste news, found 147 news.

Indonesia, Timor Leste to jointly manage catchment areas

Indonesia and Timor Leste have agreed to cooperate in the management of catchment areas (DAS) along the two countries ...

Indonesia, Timor-Leste to boost border trade cooperation

Indonesia and Timor-Leste have agreed to increase cooperation, especially in the fields of border trade and ...

Cooperation needed to maintain ASEAN security: Veep

Indonesias vice president Jusuf Kalla has expressed the need for ASEAN member countries to cooperate to maintain ...

Kupang-Darwin-Dili flight route to be reopened

The Kupang-Darwin- Dili flight route which was closed in the 1990s will be reopened to boost business and trade under ...

Anti-corruption task force formed to increase synergy: Police Chief

The police, anti-graft body, and Attorney Generals Office (AGO) recently formed an anti-corruption task force aimed at ...

Indonesia, Timor Leste to establish drugs control station

Indonesia, through the National Narcotics Board (BNN) of East Nusa Tenggara, and Timor Leste will establish a Drugs ...

Indonesia, Timor-Leste ready to move triangular cooperation forward

The government of Indonesia and Timor-Leste are ready to move the triangular initiative with Australia forward, after ...

Timor Leste expects more investments from Indonesian private sector

The government of Timor-Leste expects more investments from the Indonesian private sector, particularly in the sectors ...

Indonesia, Timor Leste committed to good neighborly ties

The recent visit of the Indonesian president to Timor Leste has further strengthened bilateral relations between the ...

TNI thwarts attempts to smuggle fuel oils to Timor Leste

Indonesian Military (TNI) personnel in the eastern Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara have foiled attempts to ...

Kamaz to assemble trucks in Indonesia

The Russian truck company, Kamaz, plans to assemble and distribute its product in Indonesia and ASEAN region in ...

Atapupu port can become border trade center

The Atapupu seaport in Belu district, East Nusa Tenggara, could become a border trade center for Indonesia and Timor ...

No clash occurs in Indonesia-Timor Leste boundary: officer

Commander of 743/PSY Infantry Battalion of Boundary Security Task Force in RI - Timor Leste border Major Budi Prasetyo ...

Timor Leste-Indonesia bilateral relations improve

Most of the basic necessities for the people of Timor Leste, formerly known as East Timor, are sourced from ...

Metro TV contributor killed in traffic accident

A Metro TV contributor for Indonesia-Timor Leste border area, Handrianus Suni (31), was killed on Sunday evening (July ...