#indonesian defense forces

Collection of indonesian defense forces news, found 869 news.

Some 2.5 mln Eid travelers expected to use train

State-owned railway company PT KAI has forecast that about 2.5 million passengers will use train when they go ...

I must be ready: Gen. Nurmantyo

When asked to comment about his nomination for the post of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) commander, Army Chief ...

President promises to allocate Rp210 trillion as military budget

President Joko Widodo has vowed to set aside a budget of Rp210 trillion for the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) next ...

TNI to set up joint special operations force

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) plans to set up a joint special operations unit comprising elite forces of the ...

India allows Indonesian humanitarian aircraft to pass to Nepal

India has allowed Indonesian Air Forces Boeing 737 en route to Kathmandu carrying an evacuation team and humanitarian ...

Kopassus should continue to improve capabilities: Moeldoko

Commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) General Moeldoko has urged all members of the armys special force ...

Stay of 600 Army Strategic Command Personnel in Poso Extended

- The battle exercise of the Swift Reaction Strike Unit (PPRC) of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) in Poso ended on ...

Military to not allow any disturbance during Asian-African Conference

The military will not allow any party to disrupt the 60th anniversary events of the Asian-African Conference (AAC) ...

Police`s mobile brigade to deploy snipers to secure Asia-Africa Conference

The National Polices Mobile Brigade will deploy snipers at certain locations to secure the upcoming Asia-Africa ...

Terrorist group responsible for Poso violence: Police

The Santoso terrorist group who is hiding in Central Sulawesis Poso District, is responsible for violence in the ...

Poso Transformed Into "Battlefield" Against Terrorists

Parts of Poso are being transformed into a battlefield as some 3.2 thousand Indonesian military officers of the Swift ...

Indonesian military force battalion might be on standby in Poso

A battalion of the Quick Response Striking Force (PPRC) will remain in Poso District, Central Sulawesi Province, to ...

Indonesian military chief in Poso to observe quick reaction force`s exercise

Chief of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) General Moeldoko is in Poso district, Central Sulawesi, on Tuesday, to ...

TNI awaits president's order to evacuate citizens in Yemen

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) is waiting for an order from President Joko Widodo to evacuate citizens in Yemen, ...

Indonesian police seize house of alleged ISIS financier

Anti-terror of Indonesian police squad Densus-88s personnel seized on Sunday the house of M Amin Mude (AM) who was ...