#indonesian embassy in suva

Collection of indonesian embassy in suva news, found 5 news.

Indonesia provides medical equipment grants to Fiji

The Indonesian Embassy in Suva, Fiji, presented medical equipment grants from the Indonesian government valued at ...

Indonesia gives Fiji aid to renovate cyclone-hit school

Indonesia has provided financial aid to Fiji for the rehabilitation of Queen Victoria School (QVS), which was damaged ...

Cyclone Harold: Indonesia to send 12.9 tons aid to Fiji

The Indonesian Military (TNI) headquarter will dispatch 12.9 tons of humanitarian aid to Fiji to help communities ...

Indonesia extends US$7,500 assistance to cyclone victims in Fiji

The Government of Indonesia, through the Indonesian Embassy in Suva, on Wednesday, handed over aid worth US$7,500 to ...

Indonesia - Fiji Strengthen the Partnership in Marine and Fishery Sectors

- The 2nd Pacific Islands Development Forum held in Fiji on this year was a highly valued moment for the Government of ...