#indonesian navy

Collection of indonesian navy news, found 812 news.

PT newmont denies claims of dumping toxic waste at sea

PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, on Friday, denied reports claiming that the mining enterprise was dumping toxic waste into ...

Indonesia capable of manufacturing sophisticated warships

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has an ambition to make Indonesia, in which two-third of its territories are water, a ...

157 fishing boats punished in 2015 for poaching in indonesian waters

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry took punitive measures against a total of 157 fishing boats for carrying ...

KRI Usman Harun-359 warship ready to join IFR 2016 in India

The Indonesian Usman Harun-359 warship is ready to take part in International Fleet Review (IFR) 2016 which will be ...

Indonesia maritime axis program showing positive results: Minister Ramli

The maritime axis program being implemented by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his government is currently running ...

Indonesian Navy commemorates Indonesian Fleet Day

Indonesian Navy commemorated the National Fleet Day by holding a parade of Lambung Mangkurat 374 Indonesian Ship in ...

indonesia mustering global support to eradicate illegal fishing - (d)

Indonesia, through the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, is mustering global support for the eradication of Illegal, ...

Government warned of potential conflicts in South China Sea

Condition in South China Sea is heating up and though not a claimant, its geographical position forces Indonesia to ...

RI teams up with Swedish firm to develop main armament system

Indonesian's  PT IESP (Indonesia Engineering Services) is teaming up with Swedens SAAB (Svenska Aeroplan Aktie ...

Three Malaysian fishing vessels to be destroyed in Bengkalis

Three fishing vessels of Malaysian fishermen that the Indonesian court found guilty of poaching in the waters of Rupat ...

Indonesia`s navy chief receives Chinese counterpart

Indonesias Naval Chief of Staff, Admiral Ade Supandi, received his Chinese counterpart Admiral Wu Shengli, who came to ...

Indonesian Navy arrests five pirates operating in Malacca Strait

The Indonesian Navys Western Fleet Command (Koarmabar) has arrested five pirates who robbed MV Merlin in Malacca ...

Two Australian warships move to Java Sea to participate in exercise

Two Royal Australian Navy (RAN) warships, HMAS Arunta 151 and HMAS Sirius 266, departed for Java Sea on Wednesday to ...

Indonesian Navy detains three Filipino fishing vessels

Three Filipino fishing vessels suspected of planning to conduct illegal fishing in Indonesias Exclusive Economic Zone ...

APAC Navy Chiefs and Flag Officers to Gather at the 12th Maritime Security and Coastal Surveillance Summit in Malaysia

- With three weeks to go, senior Naval and government officers from Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, New ...