#indonesian presidents

Collection of indonesian presidents news, found 47 news.

Visitors to Indonesian pavilion at Janadria Festival enjoy several heritage and cultural displays

- In the 33rdEdition of the National Festival of Heritage and Culture that is being held in Janadria in Saudi Arabia, ...

Balai Pustaka displays Indonesian presidents` words of wisdom

State-owned publishing firm PT Balai Pustaka displayed posters of Indonesia`s presidents and their words of wisdom in ...

President encourages nation to return to unity

President Joko Widodo has encouraged all members of the nation to strengthen the spirit of unity, as Indonesia`s 73rd ...

Indonesia always sees surplus in its trade with South Asian countries

Indonesia has always recorded a surplus in its trade with India and Pakistan thanks to ASEAN-India Free Trade Area ...

Palestine always at very heart of Indonesian foreign policy

Palestine is the only country in the world that has remained under Israeli occupation since nearly 70 years ago. ...

President discusses nationality with top figures

President Joko Widodo held a meeting with national figures to discuss the issues of nationality as a tradition. ...

King Salman`s visit an historic moment for Indonesia

The upcoming visit by King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud of Saudi Arabia from March 1 to 9, 2017 will be a historic ...

High time Saudi King visited Indonesia: VP Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has said he believed it was high time the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz ...

Portugal interested in increasing cooperation with Indonesia

The government of Portugal is keen to intensify cooperation with Indonesia, particularly in the political, economic, ...

Indonesia-S Korea seek stronger cooperation in defense sector

Indonesia and South Korea are expecting a stronger cooperation in the defense sector following the visit by South ...

Indonesia-S. Korea hold first meeting of high working level strategic dialogue

Indonesia and South Korea held the first meeting of the High Working Level Strategic Dialogue (HWLSD) at the Pancasila ...

Indonesia, Palestine explore closer trade, cultural cooperation

Indonesia and Palestine have always shared a strong relationship and forged close cooperation despite the geographical ...

No diplomatic ties with Israel as long as Palestine remains occupied: Indonesia

"As long as Palestine does not gain its independence, Indonesia will keep challenging the Israeli occupation," ...

President Jokowi`s special envoy visiting Middle East

The Indonesian Presidents special envoy for the Middle East and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Alwi ...

Indonesia renews cooperation with Timor Leste

Indonesia is renewing cooperation with Timor Leste in a number of areas, and will also explore the possibility of ...