
Collection of infections news, found 1.515 news.

News Focus

Indonesia pushes vaccination drive further in COVID-19 fight

After a long battle since June 2021, Indonesia has finally emerged from the second tsunami wave of COVID-19 ...

Decline in cases chance to improve medical resilience: ministry

Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono has said that the decline in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia is an ...

MU variant not as fast as Delta in transmission: virologist

The spread of the MU variant of COVID-19 will not exceed the spread of the Delta variant, virologist from Udayana ...

COVID-19 under control, positivity rate at 4.3%

The decline in the COVID-19 positivity rate to 4.3 percent in the capital over the past week signifies infections are ...

Researcher reminds public to stay disciplined in health protocols

Maarif Institute researcher Endang Tirtana reminded Indonesians to not become complacent in implementing health ...

Questions on health protocols linger as Papua sports week approaches

Several international sports events that were supposed to be hosted in Indonesia this year had to be postponed due to ...

COVID-19: BNN provides 10,000 staple food packages for Jakartans

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has arranged ten thousand staple food packages for Jakartans who have been severely ...

SPRIX, promoting more information and communication technologies for education in Japan, surveyed 22,000 children and parents in 11 countries globally on learning

SPRIX Research Institute, operated by SPRIX (Headquarters: Toshima Ward, Tokyo)(Representative Director and President: ...

Govt spokesperson dispels COVID-19-related hoaxes

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling, Reisa Broto Asmoro, addressed several hoaxes concerning vaccinations and ...

Minister ropes in youth organization for distributing masks, vitamins

Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini has involved Karang Taruna, Indonesia's youth organization, in distributing ...

National bed occupancy rate at 29 percent: President

The national bed occupancy ratio has declined to 29 percent, directly in proportion to the decline in daily COVID-19 ...

Tips to maintain health to prevent Long COVID-19 syndrome: expert

University of Indonesia's Internal medicine specialist, Dr Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, highlighted some tips during a ...

APEC members to invest in health equity to revive prosperity

APEC member economies stand united in their call to close health gaps and ensure everyone in the region has access to ...

Government should ensure industry survives amid pandemic: Indef

The government should focus on ensuring that the industry sector survives the impact of COVID-19 instead of a quarterly ...

Bali's Ngurah Rai airport has imposed PCR test price cap at Rp495,000

State-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I disclosed that the authority of Ngurah Rai International Airport in the ...