#interested in

Collection of interested in news, found 1.681 news.

Obama wants concrete gun proposals within a month

President Barack Obama put ending an "epidemic" of gun violence at the top of his second term agenda Wednesday, ...

RS Components Launches DesignSpark chipKIT(TM) Challenge 2013 for Asia Pacific

- RS Components [http://www.rs-components.com/index.html ] (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents plc (LSE:ECM), ...

Ministry building nine leading research and technology centers

The Ministry of Research and Technology is currently setting up nine leading centers of science and technology, ...

Habibie responds insult by Malaysia`s ex-minister with smile

Former Indonesian president BJ Habibie`s recent visit to Malaysia as an official guest of the Selangor State ...

Two Indonesian film makers head to Australia

Two young Indonesian film makers, Dwi Sujanti Nugraheni (36) from Yogyakarta and Chairun Nissa (28) from Jakarta, will ...

World Renowned Scientist, Dr. Rongxiang Xu Speaks Out About Nobel Assembly Statement

- Dr. Rongxiang Xu, the founder of "human body regenerative restoration science" and a renowned life scientist and ...

Sirtex Launches New Global Website for SIR-Spheres(R) microspheres

-- http://www.sirtex.com informs doctors, patients and investors about the world's most widely used and widely studied ...

Singapore ready to help Jakarta build MRT

Singapore is ready to help the Jakarta administration develop a mass rapid transport system, according to Singaporean ...

Indonesian govt urged to protect local wheat flour producers

The Indonesian Wheat Flour Producers Assocation (Aptindo) has asked the government to protect local producers from ...

HIV/AIDS victims feared to continue to increase in Mimika

The number of HIV/AIDS victims in Mimika, Papua is feared to continue to increase in the coming years, the Yayasan ...

Long and winding road towards Sunda Strait Bridge

Indonesia has been dreaming of building the Sunda Strait Bridge, a mega project that will connect Indonesia`s two ...

Suicide bomber wounds key Taliban commander in Pakistan, kills 6

A suicide bomber wounded a senior Taliban commander and killed six people on Thursday in a market in a ...

Chinese investor wants to build cement factory in Lebak

A Chinese investor wants to build a cement factory in Lebak , Banten, a local official said. The project will ...

Swedish woman charged for sexual activities with skeleton

A woman in Sweden has been charged with engaging in sexual activities with a human skeleton and could face jail time ...

Pertamina not interested in replacing BP Migas

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina said it is not interested in taking over the position of the defunct BP Migas ...