
Collection of interfaith news, found 387 news.

Thousands in Palangkaraya rally against FPI presence

Thousands of Dayak tribal people here Saturday gathered in a rally at Palangka Raya's Besar Roundabout to reject an ...

Lunar new year preparations at temple show interfaith tolerance

An example of the practice of Indonesian pluralism and tolerance can be seen in activity at the Jin De Yuan Buddhist ...

US envoy hosts reception for young Indonesian leaders

US Ambassador to Indonesia Scot Marciel hosted a reception in honor of 14 Indonesian university students who have been ...

RI can be example of inter-religious harmony

Indonesia`s inter-religious harmony and tolerance which have often cited as an example to the rest of the world are in ...

Applications open for Australia-RI young Muslim leaders exchange program

In its media release on Friday, the Australian Embassy is calling for applications for the 2012 Australia-Indonesia ...

Interfaith leaders express concern over country`s conditions

Interfaith leaders on Tuesday e expressed concern about the situation in the country and called on the people to ...

RI-Germany interfaith dialogue discussed multiculturalism, religious education

Indonesia and Germany held their second Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue which discussed multiculturalism and ...

Conflicts in RI caused by economic not religious factors

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said the conflicts that had happened in the country so far were related to ...

Vatican envoy admires religious harmony in NTT

Vatican Ambassador to Indonesia Mgr Antonio Guido Filipazzi admires and appreciates religious harmony and tolerance ...

UI rector defends decision to grant degree to Saudi king

University of Indonesia (UI) Rector Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri defended his decision to award an honorary degree to ...

RI, Norway observe 10th anniversary of human rights dialog

Indonesia and Norway observed the 10th anniversary of the Human Rights Dialog between the two countries attended by ...

RI, Norway mark 10th anniversary of human rights dialog

Indonesia and Norway marked the 10th anniversary of their human rights dialog in Oslo, Norway, on Tuesday, ...

Some national figures gather on preventing bankruptcy

Some national figures gathered at the headquarters of Muhammadiyah Islamic organization here on Thursday on the theme ...

NU leader questions NATO's double standard

An Islamic leader has questioned the North Atlantic Treaty Organization`s (NATO) double standard in their actions they ...

The Trial of Indonesia Interfaith Spiritual Anand Krishna

The trial against Indonesia Interfaith Spiritual Activist Anand Krishna, who allegedly violating Article 290 and 294 ...