#interview with antara

Collection of interview with antara news, found 171 news.

Japan`s disaster won`t affect RI economy: observer

Japan`s post-disaster economy predicted would not affect the Indonesian economy despite the many aspects interrelated ...

President always wanting to communicate directly with public

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is actually always trying to spend more time on dialogs and meetings with all ...

News Focus: Who`s not using common sense over electricity rates hike?

Verbal punches have been traded these days between state electricity company PT PLN officials and its industrial ...

RI-India trade in 2011 expected to repeat last year`s success

Trade between Indonesia and India in 2011 is expected to be as successsful as last year and reach the value three ...

Indonesian organization to organize int`l youth forum on climate change

2007 Nobel peace prize laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore`s hope on Indonesia to popularize climate change ...

Yogyakarta, old society striving in a new state

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X on Tuesday declared Yogyakarta as "City of the Republic" to mark the 65th anniversary of the ...