
Collection of inundated news, found 670 news.

Social Ministry sets up 11 public kitchens for Jakarta flood victims

The Social Affairs Ministry and the Jakarta Social Affairs Office set up 11 public kitchens and appointed 218 rescuers ...

1,539 Jakarta flood victims still take refuge

Some 1,539, of the 2,258 Jakarta residents who fled their houses due to the overflowing of the Ciliwung River, had not ...

Governor confirms construction ongoing for two flood-control dams

Governor of Jakarta  Anies Baswedan has revealed that two dams are under construction in upstream areas in Jakarta ...

Jakarta readies 598 pumping equipment for flood control

The Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Board (BPBD) and Water Resources Office deployed 598 water pumps comprising 133 mobile ...

Bandung District's 210 polling stations submerged in floodwaters

Flooding submerged 210 polling stations in Bandung District, West Java Province, in the lead-up to the polling day on ...

Waru, Sidoarjo hit by floods

Incessant rains saw parts of Waru Sub-district in Sidoarjo District, East Java Province, inundated at a height between ...

Overflowing Cimanuk River inundates Indramayu's five sub-districts

Cimanuk River has overflowed its bank, causing widespread flooding in thousands of homes in 12 villages situated in ...

Several hundred flood-affected residents of Bandung take refuge

No less than 380 locals took refuge on higher ground after floods, caused by incessant downpour, lashed four ...

Flash flood strikes Ulu Ogan, South Sumatra

A flash flood hit Kelumpang Village, Ulu Ogan Sub-district, Ogan Komering Ulu District, in South Sumatra Province, on ...

Certain flood-affected areas in Papua still facing blackout: PLN

Certain areas in Sentani, Papua Province, are still undergoing power outages as a result of the recent flash floods and ...

News Focus

Accelerating rescue operations in flood-hit Sentani

Indonesia has been hit by at least two major floods during this current transitional period from the rainy to the dry ...

Search efforts continues for flood victims in Sentani, Papua

Members of the Disaster Emergency Response Team, ACT, has continued search and rescue efforts in Sentani sub-district, ...

News Focus

News Focus -- East Java accelerates flood mitigation efforts

Indonesia is currently transitioning from rainy to the dry season that usually begins in April or May. However, high ...

East Java Governor orders authorities to handle flood-affected areas

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa has instructed all authorities within the provincial government to get ...

Flash flood damages 11 homes in east flores

A flash flood has damaged 11 homes in Kawaliwu, Sina Hading Village, Lewoleda Sub-district, East Flores District, ...