#investment climate in indonesia

Collection of investment climate in indonesia news, found 80 news.

Japan wants to increase investment in Indonesia

Many Japanese investors have expressed great interest in investing in Indonesia following a visit to Japan by ...

Indonesia's KPK-Police conflict will not affect investment climate: Investment Board

The Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Head Franky Sibarani ensured that the conflict between the ...

Japanese investor expects more conducive investment after presidential election

Kao Corporation, one of the Japanese investors in Indonesia, is expecting a more conducive investment climate in ...

Government to Go Ahead With Sunda Strait Bridge Project

The government of Indonesia is determined to go ahead with the construction of Sunda Strait Bridge mega project that ...

Eurocham urges Indonesian govt to ease business regulations

The European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia, EuroCham Indonesia, has called on the Indonesian government to ...

Wage increase doesn`t solve workers` problems: Employers association

The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Chairman, Sofyan Wanandi, said a labor wage increase would not solve ...

TEI 2013: Indonesia's Textiles and Furniture Lead Transactions on First Day

Transactions on the first day of Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2013, totalling US$ 13.33 million, featured textiles and ...

Investment up 30 percent in first semester: Investment agency

The Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board, Chatib Basri, said total investment in various projects in ...

Indonesia opens to chinese investors

Indonesian Ambassador to China and Mongolia Imron Cotan said Indonesia was very open to Chinese investors. ...

BNI develops alliance with Yamaguchi Financial Group

Publicly listed state lender PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) has established cooperation with Japan's Yamaguchi ...

Chevron has right to reduce investment: SK Migas

SK Migas, the temporary regulator of the upstream oil and gas sector, has stated that it is up to Chevron to decide ...

Investment climate in Indonesia conducive

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mercedes- Benz, Claus Weidner, stated that the assembly of M-Class series cars in ...

Chinese investors asked to take part in long term ventures

National Development Planning Minister and chief of the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) Armida S ...

Foreign investment in 2012 predicted at 19.2 billion US dollars

Bank Indonesia has estimated that foreign investment (PMA) in 2012 would continue to increase due to the improved ...

RI receives 12.5 million euro grant to improve trade, investment climate

The European Union (EU) has extended a grant worth 12.5 million Euros to Indonesia to enable a number of relevant ...