#investment coordinating board

Collection of investment coordinating board news, found 1.014 news.

President Jokowi asks for greater attention to increasing investment

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asks all relevant government agencies to give greater attentions to increasing capital ...

President asks investors to focus on import substitution

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked that investment flowing into the country be focused on industries that ...

VP calls on businessmen not to be pessimistic over Trump

Vice President Jusuf Kalla appealed to businessmen in the country not to be pessimistic over the global situation ...

Singapore expands cooperation in five areas with Indonesia

Singapore has agreed to expand cooperation in five areas with Indonesia, including investment in industrial estate. ...

Indonesia, Singapore agree to develop tourism cooperation

Indonesia and Singapore agreed to develop cooperation in the tourism sector through the signing of a memorandum of ...

Jokowi to meet Singaporean prime minister in Semarang

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) left for Semarang, Central Java, at 8 am local time to meet Singapores Prime Minister ...

President hopes economy to grow more than 6 percent in 2018

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he hopes the countrys economy could grow more than six percent in 2018 that the ...

Indonesia, Russia to stregthen existing good bilateral ties

Indonesia and Russia have agreed to further strengthen the existing good ties in the fields of trade, industry, ...

Indonesia remains key investment hub for Japanese

Indonesia, which is the most populated nation and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, remains one of main ...

Indonesia invites France for maritime security cooperation

Indonesia has invited French investment in the field of maritime security through an Indonesia-France Conference on ...

Government prepares economic package for peat restoration

The Indonesian government is preparing a special economic policy containing investment packages specially aimed at ...

Google should pay tax in Indonesia

Google has become part of the daily routine for most people. The giant Internet-based search engine company ...

Jokowi, Turnbull agree to strengthen bilateral ties

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull agreed to intensify bilateral ...

Investment potential in maritime sector now US$1.2 trillion

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has said the investment potential in the maritime sector has reached US$1.2 ...

Taiwan invited to take part in maritime development in Indonesia

Indonesia has invited Taiwan to invest in the maritime sector to help bring to reality the governments vision of ...