#islam in indonesia

Collection of islam in indonesia news, found 98 news.

Golkar leader concerned over Suryadharma being named as suspect

Secretary General of Golkar Party Idrus Marham expressed concern over United Development Party (PPP) Chairman ...

Photo expo strategic to promote Indonesia, Iran

Ever since establishment in 1950, the bilateral ties between Iran and Indonesia have flourished and witnessed ...

Indonesia Islamic parties have possibility to coalesce

Islam-based political parties in Indonesia have the possibility to join forces in the presidential race next July, ...

Islamic organizations against Miss World contest in Bali

A group of 11 Islamic social organizations rejected the plan to hold Miss World contest in Bali saying it is against ...

Leiden library urged to return Indonesian ancient manuscripts

The Javanology Institute of the Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in Solo has continuously been seeking ways to get ...

Noted US cleric visit Islamic boarding schools in Lombok

Noted cleric from Baltimore, the US, Muhammad Bashar Arafat, is in Lombok, in West Nusa Tenggara province to visit a ...

World`s Sufis to meet in Indonesia

Executive General Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU), the second biggest Moslem organization in Indonesia, KH Said ...

Young Australian muslim leaders to experience Islam in Indonesia

A delegation of young Australian Muslim leaders will arrive in Indonesia on Sunday 15 May to participate in a ...