
Collection of javanese news, found 344 news.

Poaching of sumatran tiger remains rampant

The poaching of Sumatran tigers (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) on the island of Sumatra for trading remains rampant, ...

Indonesia on rhino emergency status

Indonesia is in Rhino emergency status after this protected animal habitat declined to three from eight locations ...

Jokowi`s daughter to get married on Nov 8

Kahiyang Ayu, the only daughter of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), will get married with Bobby Nasution on November 8 ...

Indonesia awards three British gamelan pioneers

Indonesias Education and Culture Ministry awarded three British gamelan pioneers -- Alec Roth, Neill Sorrell, and Anne ...

Indonesian traditional ensemble attracts Argentinians

The performance of the Indonesian traditional Javanese "gamelan" ensemble group Sang Bagaskara of the Indonesian ...

Obama`s daughters visit Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Former US president Barack Obamas daughters, Malia and Natasha, visited Taman Sari, a tourist destination in the ...

Obama to visit Yogyakarta

Former US president Barack Obama has been confirmed to visit Yogyakarta on Wednesday. "Today, we have held a ...

Yogyakarta prepares special service for travelers

The government of the special autonomous province of Yogyakarta has set up a Tourist Information Center to offer ...

Yogyakarta governor urges police to act over stripping off of driver

The Governor of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, has urged the police to take a strong action against persons ...

Health minister encourages Indonesian women to emulate Kartini

Health Minister Nila Moeloek has encouraged Indonesian women to emulate the countrys popular female figure, RA ...

Baswedan pays respect to parents before casting vote

Jakarta governor candidate Anies Baswedan followed the Javanese tradition of sungkem (paying respect) to his ...

President Jokowi urges public to keep politics and religion separate

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the followers of different faiths to keep politics and religion separate ...

Festival indonesia in Russia part of economic diplomacy

The Indonesian Embassy in Moscow will again host the Festival Indonesia this year as part of economic diplomacy ...

Bantul adds three cultural villages in 2016 to preserve arts

Bantul Administration has added three cultural villages on the 2016 list for preserving local arts and culture. ...

Mount Gede-Pangrango climbing lane to be closed temporarily

The Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park (TNGGP) Board will temporarily close the climbing lane in the park from ...