#kadin chairman

Collection of kadin chairman news, found 94 news.

Do not give second place to food distribution: Chamber

Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Chairman Suryo Bambang Sulisto has said food distribution should ...

Closer cooperation following Yudhoyono`s visit

The recent visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono to Stockholm has resulted in ...

Indonesian chamber urges govt to prepare smes for AEC

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) urged the government on Tuesday to prepare small and medium ...

Indonesia must speed up preparations for ASEAN market integration

Indonesia, which is a major player in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), must accelerate its ...

Indonesia potential to be ASEAN industrial base

Indonesia has a big potential to become the base of the processing industry and manufacturing after the implementation ...

Production cost to increase by 20 to 25%

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said businesses had calculated their production cost which ...

Indonesian fuel oil resilience still raises concern

Fuel oil resilience in Indonesia still raises concern and is left far behind that of other countries in Asia, such as ...

Trash bank called effective in overcoming nation`s trash problem

The trash bank program is considered an effective concept to overcome trash problems in Indonesia and create a ...

Subsidy may increase state budget by Rp70 trillion

Indonesian Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said the 2013 State Budget can increase by Rp70 trillion if consumption ...

Indonesian fisheries need more investment

Indonesia`s maritime and fishery potentials are not yet fully exploited as investors so far are still lacking ...

Workers reject 15 pct wage increase proposal

Industry Minister MS Hidayat`s idea to raise regional minimum wages by 15 percent for labor-intensive and small ...

BP Migas dissolution not to disrupt oil business

The government has given the assurance that the dissolution of BP Migas, the upstream oil and gas regulator, by the ...

Dissolution of BP Migas has bad impact on investment

The dissolution of BP Migas, the upstream oil and gas regulator, will have a bad impact on oil and gas investment ...

Indonesian govt continues to reduce high cost of economy

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that the government had continued to reduce various barriers that created ...

President urges Kadin to create more business opportunities

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on the members of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ...