
Collection of kanada news, found 23 news.

Indonesian-Canadian Islamic Universities strengthen ties

The Comparative Research Center and Culture of Muslim Communities at the Simon Fraser University (CCSMSC-SFU) ...

Pesawat Lao Airlines jatuh di Sungai Mekong, 39 dilaporkan tewas

Pesawat Lao Airlines jatuh di Sungai Mekong, Laos selatan pada Rabu, menewaskan 39 orang kata pejabat perusahaan ...

Russia diplomats depart Canada over spy case

Canada has expelled four Russian diplomats following the arrest last weekend of a Canadian soldier charged with ...

Canadian offers aid to east Africa famine victims

Canada "is committed to making a difference" in the lives of the nearly 12 million Horn of Africa residents facing ...

NATO Kian Lelah dan Terbelah Soal Libya

Sesudah tiga bulan serangan udara di Libya, Pakta Pertahanan Atlantik Utara (NATO) kian menunjukkan tanda kelelahan ...

Canada expels five Libyan diplomats

Canada, which is participating in NATO`s air operations in Libya, has expelled five diplomats from Libya`s embassy in ...

Ministry and RIM to meet on Monday

The Ministry of Communications and Information will conduct an official meeting on Monday with Research and Motion ...

Rakyat Sudan Selatan Antusias Gunakan Suara Dalam Referendum

Rakyat Sudan Sulatan pada Ahad tampak antusias menggunakan hak suara dalam referendum penentuan nasib wilayah itu. ...