
Collection of ketupat news, found 111 news.

Traditional celebration "Syawalan" preserved in Kudus

The traditional celebration of Syawalan in Dawe Subdistrict, Kudus Regent, Central Java Province, which is marked with ...

Traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus claimed 628 lives

Traffic accidents that occurred across Indonesia during the Idul Fitri exodus resulted in 628 fatalities, according to ...

Over four million cars enter Jakarta during Idul Fitri exodus

The Jakarta Police recorded as many as 4,320,974 cars entering the capital via toll roads during the "Ketupat" ...

Jakarta police deployed 5,094 personnel to secure Lebaran night

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police deployed a joint force comprising 5,094 personnel to secure the "Takbiran" or Lebaran ...

Muslims in Indonesia poised for Lebaran festivities

With July 17 just a day away, the Muslims across Indonesia are eagerly gearing up for the Idul Fitri or locally known ...

Indonesian govt gears up to secure Idul Fitri exodus

After fasting during the entire holy month of Ramadan, Indonesian Muslims, who account for nearly 90 percent of the ...

Indonesia police deploying 82 thousand personnel to secure Idul Fitri exodus

The National Police will deploy 82,538 personnel during the 16-day-long "Ketupat Operation," from July 10 to 25, 2015, ...

Indonesian Police Chief asks officers to deliver best public services

Chief of the Indonesian National Police General Badrodin Haiti has reminded his personnel to provide their best ...

50 passengers saved after boat caught on fire

Fifty passengers had been saved after their boat caught on fire in Busung islands waters in the district of Indragiri ...

Indonesian DVI team to help Malaysia: police chief

The National Polices Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team members will work in tandem with the Indonesian Foreign ...

"Mudik" tradition in Turkey during festival of sacrifice

Kocaeli, Turkey (ANTARA News)  Tradition of "Mudik" or going back to the hometown does not only happen in ...

Good transport services ensure smooth transfers during Idul Fitri

The Indonesian people`s tradition of celebrating Idul Fitri in their hometowns with their extended families often ...

719 people killed in road accidents during Idul Fitri holidays

Police have recorded that a total of 719 people were killed in traffic accidents during the post-fasting Lebaran ...

518 people killed in traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus

A total of 518 people were killed in 2,337 traffic accidents occurring up to three days after (D+3) Idul Fitri that ...

15 killed in W. Kalimantan traffic accidents

Fifteen fatalities due to traffic accidents were recorded in West Kalimantan during the Idul Fitri exodus, a policeman ...