
Collection of knesset news, found 17 news.

Indonesia strongly condemns Israel's move to restrict UNRWA operations

Indonesia has strongly condemned Israel's legislative efforts to restrict the functions of the United Nations ...

Indonesia condemns Israel's rejection of a Palestinian state

Indonesia has strongly condemned the resolution rejecting the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state adopted ...

Flag March - Indonesia condemns Israeli provocations at Al-Aqsa

The Indonesian government has denounced hundreds of Israeli settlers who forcibly entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound ...

Indonesia condemns Israel's move to label UNRWA a terror group

Indonesia strongly condemns the labeling of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) ...

News Focus

Indonesia strongly opposes Israeli annexation plan of West Bank

Israel’s lust for more Arab land seems endless. They have occupied and colonized most of Palestinian land and ...

Palestine demands UN resolution on illegal Israeli settlements

The Palestine National Council urged the UN Security Council to issue a resolution against the Law on Israeli ...

Indonesia condemns Israel`s settlement law

The government of Indonesia has condemned the imposition of Israeli settlement law that retroactively legalizes ...

Israeli Parliament Solar Project Adopts JA Solar Modules

- JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (Nasdaq: JASO) ("JA Solar" or "JA"), one of the world's largest manufacturers of ...

Obama coming `to listen` to Israel, Palestinians

US President Barack Obama said Thursday his forthcoming trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories was to "listen" ...

J14 movement joins OneVoice in protesting stalled peace talks

- The #J14 movement joined OneVoice Israel on Tuesday in Tel Aviv to draw for the first time the inextricable link ...

OneVoice warns Knesset members of Palestinian economic collapse

- Members of the Two-State Solution Caucus in the Knesset heard a presentation by OneVoice Israel on Wednesday, warning ...

OneVoice's Palestinian activists urge Israeli response to Arab Peace Initiative

-     From a village near Jenin that borders on the 1967 line, OneVoice Palestine youth activists ...

Jordan condemns breaking into al-Aqsa mosque by israeli settlers

Jordan on Sunday condemned breaking into al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli settlers, calling on the Arabs and Muslims to ...

Israel`s Peres sends message of peace to Iranians

President Shimon Peres sent a message of peace to Iranians from the podium of Israel`s parliament on Wednesday, saying ...

Jordan parliament strongly opposes Israel`s statement over alternative homeland

Jordan`s Lower House urged Thursday the government to summon the Israeli ambassador to express objection and ...