
Collection of kopi news, found 98 news.

Indonesian ministry to intensify coffee plantation

The Indonesia Agriculture Ministry, through its Plantation Directorate General, will carry out a coffee ...

Indonesian anti-terrorist squad discovers bottles of chemicals

The Indonesia National Police anti-terrorist squad, Special Detachment (Densus) 88, discovered bottles of chemicals ...

Indonesian police arrest four suspects over bomb discovery

Police have arrested four people in connection with the finding of bombs in Bintarajaya, Bekasi, West Java, on ...

Three suspected terrorists arrested in Bekasi

Police confirmed here on Saturday that three suspected terrorists have been arrested at a lodging house in Bekasi, ...

Yogyakarta`s coffee business potential reaches Rp350.4 billion

Coffee shop ventures generate significant economic potentials in Jogjakarta, and it can reach Rp350.4 billion a year, ...

Indonesia to be world`s main exporter of roasted coffee

The Ministry of Trade is optimistic about Indonesias ability to become the primary exporter for roasted coffee beans ...

Indonesian coffee brands have opportunity to meet global demand: AEKI

Local coffee brands have a huge opportunity to meet the global demand, according to the Indonesian Coffee Exporters ...

Can coffee cause cancer? Only if it`s very hot, says who scientists

There is no conclusive evidence that drinking coffee causes cancer, the World Health Organizations cancer agency will ...

Thousands of visitors sample Indonesian coffee in Amsterdam

Visitors at the "Taste of Amsterdam" annual culinary promotion event in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, sampled Indonesian ...

Brebes batik - a tale of inland beauty from java`s northern coast

"It must be somewhere around here. Give me some time (to find it)...," Tuti Wirjadigjaja, a 59-year-old housewife, ...

Lampung exports of instant coffee growing

Lampung has recorded growing exports of instant coffee reaching 63.2 tons in November, 2015. "Exports of instant ...

E. Jakarta blast not terrorist attack: Police

A Monday morning hand grenade blast, which wounded a security guard and damaged the front door of Multi Meranti Graha ...

Indonesia targets to boost global coffee consumption

The major coffee exporting countries, such as Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia are targeting to boost global ...

Lampung suffers 50 percent fall in coffee production

Lampungs coffee production fell 50 percent this year on extreme weather. This year productivity averages only ...

Former Golkar politician to mobilize 8,000 volunteers for Jokowi

Former Golkar Party politician Agus Gumiwang has said that he will mobilize 8,000 volunteers to support the Jokowi-JK ...