Sales of instant coffee in the country average 50 to 100 tons per months."Bandarlampung (ANTARA News) - Lampung has recorded growing exports of instant coffee reaching 63.2 tons in November, 2015.
"Exports of instant coffee has continued from month to month," head of the provincial trade office Ferynia said here on Saturday without saying exports in the previous months.
Lampung is a big producer of robusta coffee.
Instant coffee from Lampung has been exported to various countries such as Vietnam, which is the worlds largest producer of robusta coffee, and Singapore.
Exports, however, are small in comparison with domestic consumption.
The export prospects are still encouraging, Ferynia said, adding, Lampung is aggressive in launching export promotion in a number of other countries by holding exhibitions.
He said Lampung has managed to maintain strong foothold for its instant coffee in export markets.
"Demand is still high and the price is good for Lampung product of instant coffee in international markets," he said.
The production center for instant coffee in Lampung is Bandarlampung, which has a production capacity of around 8,000 tons of the commodity per year.
"Sales of instant coffee in the country average 50 to 100 tons per months," Ferynia said.
Lampung has 163,837 hectares of coffee plantations with production averaging 140,000 tons of coffee beans per year.
Indonesia is the fourth largest coffee producer in the world and the second largest in robusta coffee production.
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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