
Collection of laborers news, found 208 news.

Finance minister urges the wealthy to pay taxes correctly

Indonesias Finance Minister Sri Mulyani urged the rich in the country here on Thursday to pay their taxes correctly as ...

Minister to directly deport illegal foreign workers

The Ministry of Labor will directly repatriate or deport any illegal foreign workers or those who violate Indonesian ...

Government to withdraw 16,500 child laborers in 2016

The government is targeting to withdraw 16,500 child laborers in 2016 to support the "Keluarga Harapan" Program in 138 ...

Kalla, Najib discuss workers` and fishermen`s issues

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Malaysian Prime Minister Mohamad Najib have discussed Indonesian migrant ...

Consider illegal fishing a transnational crime, says fishery minister

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has urged that illegal, unreported and unregulated ...

Wage regulation deliberated along with labor representatives: VP Kalla

The representatives of workers were part of the deliberation process for formulating Government Regulation Number 78 ...

Jakarta workers reject minimum wage at Rp3.1 mln

Laborers in Jakarta have rejected the monthly provincial minimum wage set by the local government at Rp3.1 million on ...

Provinces must fulfil workers' decent living cost criteria

For Indonesian workers and employers, the governments announcement of its fourth economic policy package brought good ...

No need for Indonesian workers to stage salary hike rallies anymore

A salary hike is one of the demands raised by workers at almost all rallies as many of them earn less than minimum ...

Govt to apply three policies to improve workers` welfare

The Indonesian government will apply three policies, including a new formula to ensure periodic salary hikes to ...

Government issues policy on workers` welfare improvement

The government has issued a policy to improve the welfare of workers through a just, simple, and projected wage system ...

Indonesians advised not to be wary of foreign workers

Some Indonesians are becoming increasingly wary about the possible growth in the influx of foreign workers into the ...

Labor unions urge govt not to use foreign labor

Thousands of workers staged a rally on Tuesday, urging the government to not provide easy access to foreign workers ...

Demonstrators "besiege" presidential palace

Thousands of laborers grouped under the Indonesian Workers Movement (GBI) staged a long march from Bank Indonesia ...

Indonesian Manpower Minister denies reports on influx of Chinese workers

Manpower Minister M. Hanif Dhakiri has denied media reports on the influx of Chinese workers into Indonesia. "The ...