
Collection of lebanese news, found 127 news.

Lebanese pm calls for end to Tripoli clashes

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati called Tuesday on the security forces to put an end to the ongoing clashes in the ...

UN ends Syria mission as Aleppo under renewed attack

The United Nations called an end to its observer mission in Syria on Thursday, while activists reported more ...

Security Council fears Syria impact on Lebanon

The UN Security Council has expressed "grave concern" about cross-border attacks on Lebanon from Syria. The ...

Syria troops foil border infiltration attempts: SANA

Syrian troops foiled attempts by "armed terrorist groups" to infiltrate the border from Lebanon during the night, ...

Saudi king seeks successor as crown prince buried

Saudi Arabia's elderly king led funeral prayers on Sunday for his heir, Crown Prince Nayef, whose death forces him to ...

Lebanese army clashes with Palestinians, one dead

A Palestinian man was killed on Friday in clashes between the Lebanese army and Palestinian residents of a refugee ...

19 Pakistani pilgrims wounded in Iraq bombing

A roadside bomb in Iraq`s Anbar province wounded 19 Pakistani Shiite pilgrims on Sunday, police and a doctor said, in ...

Three Lebanese pilgrims killed in Iraq bombing

At least three Lebanese Shi`ite pilgrims were killed and seven wounded on Wednesday when a roadside bomb exploded near ...

LebanesePM surprised over gulf states` travel warning

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqati expressed on Saturday surprise towards the travel warning to his country issued ...

KRI Hasanuddin-366 on peace mission to Lebanon

The Indonesian warship KRI Hasanuddin-366 will be on a mission to Lebanon waters for six months as Maritime Task Force ...

Lebanese navy seizes ship trying to smuggle arms to Syria

The Lebanese Navy, incoordination with the maritime force of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), seized ...

Syria accuses gunmen of shooting Al-Jadeed TV crew

Syrian official news agency SANA said Monday`s shooting on the Lebanese-Syrian border that killed a cameraman of ...

Lebanon not to recognize Syrian National Council: FM

Lebanon will not recognize the opposition Syrian National Council even if the Arab League does, Lebanese Foreign ...

TNI chief visits his men in Lebanon

Military (TNI) Chief Admiral Agus Suhartono paid a visit to his men grouped in the 23th-F mechanical battalion task ...

Two arrested in Germany suspected of spying for Syria

German police arrested two men in Berlin Tuesday accused of spying on opponents of the Syrian regime in raids ...