#legal basis

Collection of legal basis news, found 467 news.

Islamic Solidarity Games participants reach 38 countries

The number of participating countries of the third Islamic Solidarity Games (ISG) rose to 38 countries from the ...

State companies ready to build JSS project

Minister for State Enterprises Dahlan Iskan said two state construction companies have the capability to build the ...

US threats to Russia on Snowden will fail

The United States is applying "ill-considered" pressure on Russia and China to expel fugitive US intelligence leaker ...

Four global economic issues have impact on Indonesia

The Asia-Pacific region that covers Indonesia has at least four global economic issues that have an impact on ...

Indonesia to build infrastructure for submarine production

Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said Indonesia will soon build infrastructure for the production of ...

Indonesia sees urgency to sign Nagoya Protocol

As a mega biodiversity nation, Indonesia sees the urgency to sign the Nagoya Protocol protect its rich genetic ...

Indonesia to ratify Nagoya protocol in May

The Indonesian House of Representatives will ratify the Nagoya Protocol through a law expected to be signed in May ...

Dismissal of Regent Aceng final

A Supreme Court judge Supandi said the decision of the Supreme Court favoring dismissal of Garut Regent H. Aceng M. ...

Public prosecutor`s office to summon a mayor

The local public prosecutor`s office will soon summon Bandarlampung Mayor Herman HN who was formerly head of the ...

Ratifying Nagoya Protocol key to curbing genetic biopiracy

Despite being one of the world`s most bio-diverse nations, Indonesia has yet to receive compensation for the ...

Indonesia to ratify Nagoya Protocol

Vice President Boediono said Indonesia will ratify the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and ...

BP Migas dissolution not to disrupt oil business

The government has given the assurance that the dissolution of BP Migas, the upstream oil and gas regulator, by the ...

Govt to set up new upstream oil and gas unit

The government has decided to establish a new unit to regulate the nation`s upstream oil and gas sector, after BP ...

Govt to lift outsourcing system

The government looks set to lift the outsourcing recruitment system but will still maintain it in the recruitment of ...

Bounty for arrest of president baseless

The bounty offered by separatist group Free West Papua Movement for the arrest of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ...