#legal umbrella

Collection of legal umbrella news, found 147 news.

Smooth subsidy to speed up KUR credit extension

The government has over the past several years launched a subsidized loan program for micro, small and medium-sized ...

Legal umbrella for transition of Mahakam block completed two week

A legal umbrella for a transition period to manage the takeover of the gas-rich Mahakam block in East Kalimantan, from ...

Jokowi asks supporters to escort reform efforts

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on his supporters and volunteers to help escort the change the government is ...

President Jokowi supports discussion on sexual violence bill

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) supported the discussion on the bill on Elimination of Sexual Violence initiated by the ...

Jakarta Reclamation Affects Thousands of Fishermen

Fishermen in Muara Angke in North Jakarta are the most affected by the ambitious giant sea wall and reclamation ...

Government urged to halt Jakarta coastal reclamation project

A political party leader and fishermen have called on the Jakarta authorities to halt the North Jakarta coastal ...

Jokowi shares Indonesia`s experiences in counterterrorism

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) shared Indonesias experiences in dealing with terrorism and extremism during a session ...

Chief legislator calls for legislation for state defense proposal

A chief legislator has called on the government to prepare the legislation first before implementing its plan to ...

Jakarta governor to replace billboards with led screens

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama plans to replace all advertisement billboards with light-emitting diode (LED) ...

Govt to set up institution to accelerate development in Papua

The government will set up an institution tasked with accelerating natural resource-based development efforts in Papua ...

Police demand government regulation to tackle radical groups

The National Police have requested the government to immediately issue a government regulation in lieu of law (Perppu) ...

President Jokowi receives Angolan VP

President Joko Widodo received Angolan Vice President Manuel Domingos Vicente here on Friday afternoon. The ...

Election court ruling to cause problems

A politician from the Hunura Party has stated that the recent Constitutional Court ruling on simultaneous elections in ...

Indonesia prepares regulation to allow limited exports of minerals

The Indonesian government is preparing a regulation which will allow limited exports of minerals by companies from ...

Miners ready to build smelters

Director General of Minerals and Coal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Thamrin Sihite said 125 mining ...