
Collection of leste news, found 1.175 news.

11 foreign art groups to perform at Bali Art Festival

Eleven foreign art groups are scheduled to perform during the the month-long 38th Bali Art Festival to be held until ...

Foreign art groups to enliven Bali Arts Festival

Eleven foreign art groups will enliven the 38th Bali Arts Festival at Taman Budaya, Denpasar city, the head of the ...

Vietnam, Cambodia back Indonesia`s proposal for ASEAN wage standards

Vietnam and Cambodia support Indonesias proposal for minimum wage standards which will be applicable to ASEAN member ...

Indonesian VP proposes ASEAN minimum wage

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has proposed the implementation of an ASEAN minimum wage for workers in the ...

Kalla, Najib discuss workers` and fishermen`s issues

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla and Malaysian Prime Minister Mohamad Najib have discussed Indonesian migrant ...

Atambua cross-border festival from May to December

The Indonesian Tourism Ministry is organizing Atambua Cross-Border Festival from May to December 2016 to attract ...

Timor Leste to join ASEAN in 2017

The Democratic Republic of Timor Leste will become a member of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in ...

Indonesia can independently resolve human rights cases in Papua: Horta

Indonesia is able to resolve human rights cases in Papua itself, without any assistance from outside institutions, ...

Inpex honors president`s decision over Masela

Inpex Masela Ltd, the operator of Masela Block, honors President Joko Widodos decision to develop the gas field in ...

Australia must end its occupation of Timor Sea: Observer

Ferdi Tanoni, an observer of the Timor Sea issue, expressed support to the people of Timor Leste for demanding the ...

El Nino triggers crop failure in Kupang

El Nino has caused crop failure in the third growing season of 2015, which lasts from October 2015 to January 2016, ...

Indonesia, Timor Leste establish cooperation on defense

The governments of Indonesia and Timor Leste, through the Ministries of Defense, have agreed to establish cooperation ...

Gusmao visits patients at Indonesian hospital ship KRI Soeharso

Former prime minister of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (RDTL) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao visited patients at the ...

Indonesia-Timor Leste to conduct joint survey on border dispute

The governments of Indonesia and Timor Leste will conduct a joint survey of some border areas in East Nusa Tenggara ...

Indonesian navy warship in Timor Leste for heatlh service mission

Indonesian navy warship KRI Dr. Soekarso (KRI SHS.