#limit subsidized fuel

Collection of limit subsidized fuel news, found 20 news.

Government plans to limit subsidized fuel purchasing

The Indonesian government is disseminating public information about the planned policy to limit subsidized fuel ...

Indonesia to limit subsidized fuel sales by July 2013

The Indonesian government will limit subsidized fuel sales up to a reasonable limit by using information technology ...

Hatta confirms govt to limit subsidized fuel for private-owned cars

Indonesia`s Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Radjasa has confirmed that the government will limit the ...

RI govt right in postponing fuel consumption cut plan

The government is right when it postpones the implementation of its plan to limit subsidized fuel oil consumption by ...

RI govt sets five measures to deal with fuel consumption

The Indonesian government has prepared five alternative policies to prevent the swelling of subsidized fuel ...

RI govt to go ahead with limiting subsidized fuel consumption

Following criticism from some sections of the media for appearing "indecisive," the government finally confirmed that ...

Govt to carry out program to limit subsidized fuel consumption: President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has confirmed that the program to limit consumption of subsidized gasoline will be ...

Govt to limit subsidized fuel for private cars

The government looks set to continue its plan to limit the use of subsidized fuels by private cars after it failed to ...

RI govt keeps open option for hiking fuel prices

Although it has plans to begin limiting subsidized fuel oil consumption next April, the government will continue to ...

House asks govt to reassess fuel consumption limitation plan

House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII on energy affairs called on the government to reassess and redraft its ...

RI govt looks set to cut subsidized fuel consumption despite protests

The government looks set to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils and implement an oil-to-gas conversion program ...

Raising fuel price more realistic : economist

Raising the present gasoline price will be a more realistic policy than the government's plan to limit subsidized fuel ...

HTI Cirebon rallies against subsidized fuel use cutting plan

Hundreds of people carrying the symbols of Muslim organization Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) gathered outside the ...

news focus: Govt fuel consumption cut to boost motorcyclists` number

The government`s plan to limit the use of subsidized fuel oils beginning April 1, 2012 will raise motorcycle sales at ...

House to decide subsidized fuel consumption cut next week

The House of Representatives (DPR)`s Commission VII on energy affairs will decide next week its attitude regarding the ...