#maintain food price stability

Collection of maintain food price stability news, found 20 news.

Inflation target can be maintained until 2020-end: BI

Bank Indonesia believes the inflation rate can be maintained on target at three percent plus -1 percent until the end ...

Optimism amid gloomy global economic condition by Citro Atmoko/A. Saragih

Optimism is strong that the country`s economic condition would continue to improve. The signs were quite obvious from ...

Control food prices to manage inflation in 2017: Minister

The government should control domestic food prices to keep inflation in 2017 below the projected four percent, ...

VP instructs ministers to maintain food price stability

Vice President Boediono has instructed relevant ministers and officials to maintain food price stability in the face ...

Indonesian govt must maintain food price stability

Economic observer Aviliani said the government should maintain food price stability if it wanted to achieve its ...