#marine and fisheries

Collection of marine and fisheries news, found 561 news.

Indonesia - Korea to Build Marine and Fisheries Institute in Karawang

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and Korea Marine Institute (KMI) agree to build national Marine and ...

Indonesia - Korea to Increase Partnership in Marine Sector

Indonesia and Korea agree to increase partnership in marine and fisheries sector which they have good relationship for ...

Indonesia becomes fisheries' regional center

Indonesia was asked to become the Regional Center for Inland Fisheries Development. This was stated today (June 17) by ...

Indonesia to Become the Regional Center for Fisheries Development

Indonesia was asked to become the Regional Center for Inland Fisheries Development. This was stated today (June 17) by ...

C Sulawesi designated as integrated seaweed, fishery development center

Central Sulawesi province has been designated as an integrated seaweed and fishery industry development center ...

APEC now aware of need to conserve marine resources

Contributing more than 90 percent of global aquaculture production, over 75 percent of the world`s capture fisheries ...

Indonesia calls for sustainable use of APEC's Marine Resources

Indonesia has called on APEC member countries to make use of their marine resources in a sustainable manner while ...

Fifteen Countries Attend APEC Annual Marine And Fishery Meeting

Some 15 countries are participating in the annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Marine and ...

Fifteen countries attend annual APEC marine, fisheries meeting

Some 15 countries are participating in the annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Marine and ...

Education system yet to meet work requirements

Unemployment problem in the country is not always caused by shortage of work fields but also by lack of human ...

Can Lake Kerinci Festival boost foreign tourist visits?

Kerinci district which is nationally famous for its Mount Kerinci and export-quality Kayo Aro tea is to stage its ...

Ministry to hold blue revolution forum, expo

The marine affairs and fisheries ministry will again hold a forum and expo themed Indonesian Blue Revolution or IBREF ...

Fadel asks universities to produce capable human resources

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad has asked higher education institutes to create reliable and ...

Three minister sign employment services agreement

Three related ministers signed a joint memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the establishment of an employment ...

VP launches workforce exhibition

Vice President Boediono launched an international workforce exhibition on marine and fishery sector at his office here ...