#marine space management

Collection of marine space management news, found 41 news.

Ministry sets target to rehabilitate 200 ha of mangrove forests

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has set a target to rehabilitate 200 ha of mangrove forests in ...

Maritime Affairs Ministry releases documentary titled "I am the ocean"

Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Ministry released a documentary film titled "I am the ...

Ministry to help recovery of Gili Matra marine tourism in NTB

The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) is ready to help the recovery of marine tourism industry in Gili ...

Indonesia wholly backs sustainable funding of CTI CFF amid COVID-19

The Indonesian government lends its full support to the sustainable funding of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral ...

Maritime ministry to act strongly against ships for oil spill

The Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry will crack down on ships causing oil spills in Indonesia's waters on ...

Plastic waste pollution serious: Minister

Noting that plastic waste in the archipelago`s sea have serious consequences for the nation, Minister of Maritime ...

Indonesian waters in plastic waste emergency

Indonesian waters are currently in a state of plastic waste emergency that can affect the health of marine animals and ...

International coastal cleanup activity held in Bali

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) cooperated with the Ocean Conservancy Institution from the United ...

Indonesia steps up cooperation with Japan to develop outlying islands

Indonesia is stepping up its cooperation with Japan to develop its six outlying islands, Maritime Affairs and ...

EARTH WIRE -- Regeneration of Raja Ampat coral reefs to take years: Ministry

The regeneration of coral reefs in Raja Ampat, West Papua, which suffered serious damage after a cruise ship MV ...

Indonesia to register 14,752 officially named islands with UN

The Government of Indonesia has officially named as many as 14,752 islands across the archipelago in 2016, an official ...