#maritime security

Collection of maritime security news, found 358 news.

Modernization of "Alutsista" expected to suppress crimes in Indonesian waters

House of Representatives` Commission III member Ahamd Sahroni is optimistic that modernization of the Weaponry System ...

ASEAN expected to adopt Indo-Pacific concept in 2019

The 10-country Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is expected to adopt the Indo-Pacific Concept in ...

Indonesia conveys Indo-Pacific concept to E Asia Summit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) conveyed the comprehensive and complete concept of Indo-Pacific cooperation to the 13th ...

Jokowi asks China to collaborate in Indo-Pacific cooperation concept

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asks China to take part in the collaboration to implement the Indo-Pacific cooperation ...

People`s participation needed to counter terrorism: Defense minister

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said that apart from satellites and drones, which detect the movements ...

CoC controls South China Sea situation: Indonesia

The Indonesian government stressed the importance of the Code of Conduct (CoC) in the South China Sea in continuing to ...

Indonesian Armed Forces enhances military diplomacy

The commander-in-chief of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI), Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, has said that the TNI is ...

News Focus - Exploiting sustainable fisheries resources

Indonesia`s fisheries sector has a bright prospect as long as it is cultivated in the appropriate way by maintaining ...

Indonesia, New Caledonia agree to eradicate IUU fishing

The governments of Indonesia and New Caledonia have agreed to continue to work together to eradicate Illegal, ...

Garber leads US delegation to Our Ocean Conference in Bali

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Judith ...

Two ministers lead beach cleaning action in Kuta

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti and Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi led the beach cleaning ...

News focus - Bali gears up for fifth Our Ocean Conference By Fardah

After successfully hosting the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in early October, Bali is currently gearing up for the ...

our ocean conference prioritizes six areas of cooperation

The Our Ocean Conference (OOC) 2018 prioritizes maritime cooperation in six areas, namely the handling of marine ...

OOC to strengthen Indonesia`s attempt to fight illegal fishing

Indonesia`s attempt to encourage maritime cooperation among nations by holding the 2018 Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in ...

Indonesia encourages maritime cooperation through "Our Ocean Conference"

Indonesia`s government is attempting to encourage maritime cooperation among nations by holding the 2018 Our Ocean ...