Libyan rebel leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil on Monday rejected an African Union initiative for a ceasefire with the forces ...
Yemeni security forces shot dead at least 17 protesters on Monday as Gulf states offered their mediation and ...
Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi said the rebellion against his rule was a "lost cause", in an interview published on ...
Venezuela`s President Hugo Chavez offered Thursday to mediate the crisis roiling Libya, sayings its longtime ruler ...
Venezuela`s President Hugo Chavez offered Thursday to mediate the Libyan crisis, officials said here, adding that ...
Two press bodies, the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the Press Council, have offered mediation efforts ...
ASEAN Foreign Ministers are gathering in Jakarta for an Indonesia-facilitated urgent meeting on Tuesday to discuss ...
The UN Security Council called Monday for a "permanent ceasefire" between Thailand and Cambodia after a border dispute ...
Thailand will tell the UN Security Council there is no need for outside mediation to resolve a deadly border conflict ...
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Wednesday that the recent clashes with Thailand in the disputed border areas ...
- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Wednesday that the recent clashes with Thailand in the disputed border areas ...
Thailand and Cambodia should allow fellow members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to help settle ...
Armed Basque separatists ETA announced Monday a permanent, verifiable ceasefire after more than 40 years of bloodshed ...